Music is essentially a practical subject which should be enjoyed by all. From an early age, children have an awareness of rhythm, pitch and sounds around them and these should be developed on entry to school.
Music throughout the school
In Nursery and Reception the children enjoy singing rhymes and songs every day as a way to develop their language skills. From Years 1 to 6 the children have opportunities throughout the week to sing and appreciate music. This is though the various weekly assemblies that take place, including 'Sing and Praise'. Music is also appreciated during weekly dance lessons.
At the core of school life is religious worship, where music and especially singing help us to follow a Christian path. We celebrate through special assemblies/events at Harvest, Christmas and Easter and visits to St. Mary's church throughout the year. The school has a long tradition of participating in the Manchester Arts in Education Initiative that takes place every year. This provides an opportunity for all children in Years 5 and 6 to act and sing in a theatre production.
The school follows the 'Get Set for Music' curriculum from Early Years to Year 6.