
St Mary's C of E

Primary School Moston

A loving Christian community, where everyone is valued and successfully achieves their full potential.

Art & Design

The role of art, design and technology is to offer the pupils the opportunities to be creative and to develop practical skills.  Drawing, painting, designing, making and other activities are of practical use and at the same time a source of pleasure and creativity.


Art, design and technology are areas of the curriculum that form natural links.  Hence, we have combined them to:-

·        allow for broader balance of activities

·        make maximum use of Teaching & Learning time

·        encourage cross-curricular links.




Our aims in teaching Art, Design & Technology are to enable children to:-

·        appreciate and evaluate their own work and that of their peers

·        develop visual awareness

·        find enjoyment in art

·        develop practical skills to work with a range of materials, components and techniques competently

·        to express their ideas and feelings through imaginative creation in both two and three dimensions

·        appreciate and evaluate the work of a range of artists from their own and other cultures

·        develop their vocabulary and understanding of the visual elements in order to express themselves artistically in an effective way

·        develop the knowledge, skills and understanding necessary to design, make and evaluate products fit for purpose

·        begin to develop understanding of control systems, energy and structures

·        begin to become aware of the impact of technology and its contributions to the quality of life.


In combining art and design we still recognise the specific nature of each subject as outlined in the national curriculum document.

·        The importance of art and design – Art and Design stimulates creativity and imagination.  It provides visual, tactile and sensory experiences and a unique way of understanding and responding to the world.  Pupils use colour, form, texture, pattern and different materials and processes to communicate what they see, feel and think.

·        The importance of design and technology – Design Technology prepares pupils to participate in tomorrow’s rapidly changing technologies.  They learn to think and intervene creatively to improve quality of life.  The subject calls for pupils to become autonomous and creative problem solvers.


Strategies for the teaching of Art, Design & Technology


The Art, Design & Technology curriculum is organised so that all areas of experience are covered and revisited throughout school to ensure progression within it. 


A range of teaching and learning strategies are used in the delivery of Art, Design and Technology. Pupils are encouraged to explore materials, involving first hand experience wherever possible, with teachers offering guidance and instruction on skills and processes where appropriate.  
