
St Mary's C of E

Primary School Moston

A loving Christian community, where everyone is valued and successfully achieves their full potential.

Admissions Arrangement

If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below. 

Nursery Admissions
Children are admitted to the Nursery from the age of 3. We advise all parents to put their child's name down as soon as possible.

If you would like your child to attend St. Mary's please obtain an application form from the School Office.

Reception Admissions
For admission to Reception Class please contact the Admissions team for a Co-ordinated Admissions Form:

Admissions Team
Manchester City Council
Children’s Services Department
Town Hall
PO Box 532
M60 2LA


0161 245 7166

Fax: 0161 237 3407


To view our admissions policies please select a file from below.

Admissions Policy 2024-2025

Admission Policy 2025-26

School Parish Map
